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Uncovering Wildlife Trafficking in Marromeu District

On January 30, 2024, in the Marromeu District, three traffickers were caught in possession, of a product from a protected species. They were transporting a lioness skin, which they intended to sell at an exorbitant price. According to their statements, they claimed to have hunted it in Coutada 11, using a cable snare.

Despite efforts to protect endangered species, such as lions, illegal hunting and trafficking continue to pose significant threats. The sale of wildlife products not only undermines conservation efforts but also contributes to the depletion of species populations.

The use of steel cables for hunting further underscores the brutality of these activities, as it is a particularly inhumane method that often results in prolonged suffering for the animals. This incident serves as a reminder of the urgent need for concerted action to protect our wildlife and preserve biodiversity for future generations.


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